Thursday, December 27, 2012

I'm back.....

It's been quite awhile since I have posted anything....I am very consistent with my inconsistency :)
Let's see what's new....
-I'm down 35lbs since Dec 2011:) Thanks to Gwynnie Bee I am able to stay fashionable as my body changes sizes (Gwynnie Bee: a super awesome company that allows you to expand your closet "Clothing Without Committment")
-I am loving my condo
-I am still a Pinterest addict!
-I have turned into a crazy dog doesn't have the same ring as crazy cat lady but if BB were a cat I would be the craziest of the cat ladies.
-BB is a famous game show mascot for "Let's Ask America"! We spent 2 days being pampered in Hollywood back in August, met the host and got to play on the green screen.
-I traveled to Ireland...again. I love it there and hope to become independently wealthy so I can divide my time between sunny Southern California and the rainy, green, beautiful land of my heart.
Let's see what else am I forgetting......
-Oh, I turned 30 last Sunday....and I cried. Multiple times. I am better now but I guess I thought life would be different at 30. That I would be more successful. Or have graduated college. Or, or, or, or, or.
The truth is I love my life. I am very content with where God has me right now. I am living the life He created me to live and I plan to enjoy every moment.

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